Color is an integral element of design. Choosing the right colors palette for your website can make or break its appeal with potential customers.

Here is a list of tools and resources for color design. There are tutorials on basic and advanced color theory, tools to generate effective color palettes, and design community sites for additional help and inspiration.

Understanding Color

Color in Motion This is a useful and entertaining interactive web app to learn about color communication and symbolism. View the profiles of the colors and the symbolic meaning of each, and then interact with color to express your emotions.

An Enormous Guide to Color Psychology. This guide is a detailed exploration of color psychology, with a useful chart of color meanings and association. Learn the science and theory behind color, how to apply color psychology in marketing, and how to integrate everything into a cohesive strategy.

The Designer’s Guide to Color Contrast. There’s psychology behind the colors that people are attracted to. Learn about color contrast, including how and why you should use it in your design. Use this guide from to develop an enhanced aesthetic that will please customers

Tools and Resources

Adobe Color CC. Adobe Color CC is a tool for creating, saving, and browsing color palettes. Set the base colors, select color rules for your palettes, customize with the color lines, and more. You can even extract a color palette from a photo. Just take a picture with your iPhone, and Adobe Color will give you the color palette from that image.

Stylify Me. Stylify Me was created to help designers quickly gain an overview of the style guide of a site, including colors, fonts, sizing, and spacing. Just enter a URL to research sites efficiently without the need to inspect each element.

Shutterstock Spectrum. Spectrum is a color search tool from a library of stock images. Search by both keyword and color using a simple slider. Select a color or browse color palettes. This is a helpful tool to see examples of colors in context.

Colourlovers. Colourlovers is an international creative community where designers and artists create and share colors, palettes, and patterns, discuss the latest trends, and explore colorful articles. Get the tools and services to go from design inspiration to execution with your next project

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