Job Portal Development in Bangalore
Are you planning for to start your own Consultancy ?? Then you need a job portal through which you can have lots of features to run your business smoothly without having manual work. Like every other area, the internet has brought about massive changes in the way people look for jobs. The online job search has become the norm of the day. The job portals offer a platform for recruiters to find suitable candidates and job seekers to seek openings that match their qualification and experience. increase in internet usage and more so by students, it is a must for a recruiter to post their jobs online. Freshers for their first job and experienced candidates looking for a job change are sticking to searching jobs on the internet, posting their resumes on popular websites. The Job seekers will be able to get the information about current openings and walk-in details, the number of positions they are hiring for and recruiters can go through the resume that is posted on the Job portal.
Job portal development in Bangalore
The popularity of the job portals is on the rise and many recruitment companies have started giving priority to their online presence. This trend has made most of the organizations to develop their own Job Portals. Students prefer to find jobs over the internet rather than Newspapers and Consultancies. A Job portal will be designed in such a way that it is user-friendly, robust-database not to lose any data pertaining to candidates who have posted their data, and in an interactive way to facilitate both employees and recruiters. A candidate will find a convenient way to upload resume and search jobs with filters which enable him to narrow his options, as well as related jobs and posts based his search should be incorporated which makes candidates life easier. For recruiters, it will be easy for them to sort candidates based on the technology of interest, academic scores, experience level, expected salary package and other factors.
Customer Benefits
Easy to use:
The system provides the relevant information by clicking on the various links. The system is designed by keeping in mind that the end users, the employers who are busy with their works, and the candidates searching for more and more jobs
Secure :
The system is highly secured that the end users are registered users and also those who are not registered. The registered users have a username and a password which grants permission to access the restricted sites also for the website.
Quick response:
The users are able to make use of the up-to-date information, which reduced the response time.
Advanced job search:
Candidates can view the most suitable jobs and the employers could make out the best-qualified candidates through an advanced search.
Total Solution:
The system is a complete solution for a various job needs both for the employers and the job seekers. It provides advises and tips for candidates in career guidance.
Advanced methods:
Candidates do not wait for jobs to come. But they explore their potential for being placed at the earliest in top most companies.
The common communication network for the enterprise to work in a company.
On the other hand, the applicants on searching for a suitable job will be able to apply for the same easily. Our Job Portal comes with a Registration/Sign up process which includes allowing him to post his job simultaneously. Once registration is done, a candidate can manage his data from his account on the portal. While we also provide notifications feature on students enrolling at your portal and for students on posting of new jobs at your portal. These Job Portals will also be integrated with payment gateway which enables you to provide membership packages where premium members can have their advantages.These portals will also be SEO optimized to rank higher in search engine ranks. This attracts the number of visitors to your website.
Our WEB-FEB team has developed many Job portal websites in last decade. We have a specialized team of Job portal development. Web Feb is a leader in Job portal development in Bangalore. We also provide mobile apps to your portals which helps you reach out more people and in a convenient way. Job portals provide a platform for the employers to meet the prospective employees and provide jobs as per qualifications and experience. The Companies have the choice to search for their suitable candidates from the resume database using various options and parameters available in the job Portals. Students after completing their necessary qualifications around in the search of job. We have expertise kind of job portal solutions for recruitment agencies, We have best solution for this industries and provide fully made custom solution .