The technique parallax web design is growing in popularity through the internet. Parallax scrolling is one of the new way to make our web presence more attractive to sites’ visitors through engaging visuals and functionality.

In this parallax web design background images move by the camera slower than foreground images and creating an impression of the depth in a 2-D scene and adding to the involvement it’s just like making the background of the game move slower than the foreground in order to make it seem further away means background of the website moves at a different speed as the rest of the page for an impressive visual effect. Parallax scrolling was popularized in 2-D computer graphics and video games in 1980’s. Parallax came from the Greek word and its meaning is alteration.

It uses many backgrounds to route at different speeds to create a perception of 3D depth when scroll down the page. The position of an object changes when it’s being watched by two different lines of view, adjacent objects have a bigger parallax than more distant objects when watched from different positions. Some parallax scrolling from parallax websites such as G-star raw, Sony, Honda CR-V,Range Rover Victoria Beckham, the house of eyewear collection,Juicymo, etc…
The use of parallax techniques for web design is a relatively new addition and is gaining popularity with many trendy websites and organizations. Nowadays, Parallax is one of the most widely-used design on the modern web.

There are many benefits of parallax design

• Stimulate users with different levels of depth and a sense of animation

• User curiosity leads to scrolling through the entire design
• Encourages longer page visit time
• Highlights professionalism and higher level of creativity of your company or organization
• It induces visitors with animation.
• It expands the duration of stay on the website as viewers are more interested to      scroll the whole page.
• It increases the reliability of the website with innovative interactive viewing
• Take a story-telling methodology to guide visitors through the site
• Direct visitors to calls to action
• Present your products in a 3-dimensional way.
• Parallax scrolling sites will provide the viewer with a shiny, stylish and graceful  experience that they will not forget.

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